Elizabeth Lawrence2019-05-09 15:41:07
Elizabeth Lawrence, 2019-05-09 15:41:07

Why is the server constantly crashing because of a postfix error: unix_trigger_event: read timeout for service public/pickup?

Good afternoon everyone! Every second day my server stops responding and lays dead until I restart it. This always happens after the same thing: the parser works for me for 8 minutes and at the end it should send an email with the result of execution, but here problems arise. The following is written in syslog: postfix/master[1182]: warning: unix_trigger_event: read timeout for service public/pickup. This warning is duplicated several times, and after that I start getting a bunch of system errors No space left on device. And after that, the end - the server stops responding and displaying the site. I understand that the problem is somewhere in postfix, but I do not understand how to solve it, I did not find a solution in Google. Please share your ideas. After restarting the server, these unsent letters come to the mail.

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1 answer(s)
akelsey, 2019-05-09

Look at the standard folders, maybe he is trying to write to the mail queue, but there is no path.
It's hard to say more.
Start with the command: postfix check
This will check the permissions and existence of the folders.

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