sputnickk2020-05-15 09:08:29
sputnickk, 2020-05-15 09:08:29

Why is the quantity in stock -1?

Hello! There is a clothing store, sizes are made by attributes, variations are created from attributes. All variations are set

to "Manage inventory"
"Do not allow pre-orders"

When an item runs out of stock, it's zero in stock, but sometimes -1 appears. Rarely, everything looks like everywhere else, I can’t understand the patterns and reasons.
Which way to look?

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2 answer(s)
dubart, 2020-05-15

Write-off and recovery of balances, in addition to the standard wc_stock_function.php, can also be set through the payment gateway.
Look in the code for wc_reduce_stock_levels to see which plugins do this.

Dimonchik, 2020-05-15


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