Max Ba2018-12-07 11:13:58
Max Ba, 2018-12-07 11:13:58

Why is the property not available on the heir?

Guys, help me understand. Why the heir does not see the variable "year".

class Class1{
  protected $year = 1;
  public function setYear($year){
    $this->year = $year;

class Class2 extends Class1{
  public function getYear(){
    return $this->year;

$class1 = new Class1();

$class2 = new Class2();
echo $class2->getYear(); //NULL

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2 answer(s)
Rsa97, 2018-12-07

Strange, I can see everything, returns 1, as it should be.

yurybykov, 2018-12-08

Try rearranging PHP.

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