atumbochka2020-12-28 17:21:50
Visual Studio Code
atumbochka, 2020-12-28 17:21:50

Why is the Fira Code font not smooth?

I will say in advance that I did not install the font through the code, but simply downloaded it and wrote the name in the settings. And the font looks terrible, although everyone else has it smooth and beautiful. I generally need a font like on poppies, as it is very nice and it seems to be similar. If you know better, please tell me.5fe9e9e3e3e6d023242917.png5fe9e9e8c53f4261975042.png

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Pikeev, 2020-12-28

Install the font first. Then restart VSCode. Then enter the name of the font in quotation marks in the input field. And what you have now is not Fira.

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