GoQuQu2017-09-17 17:11:45
GoQuQu, 2017-09-17 17:11:45

Why is the dotdotdot.js plugin not working?

Good day!
Can't get the plugin to work . In the docks, everything is extremely simple, in fact, I used the park once everything worked, now it’s completely impossible to stir it up. The plugin is connected, there are no errors, after the call it adds styles to the required tag: This is where it ends. The full list of element styles and the plugin call is as follows:
style="word-wrap: break-word;

    display block
    overflow hidden
    height 130px
    font-family MuseoSansRegular
    font-size 16px
    font-weight 300
    line-height 26px
    text-decoration none
    text-overflow ellipsis
    color #171a1c

$(() => {

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