nitr1s2015-06-15 20:52:58
nitr1s, 2015-06-15 20:52:58

Why is the database so slow?

Bought a laptop recently.
1. 4x nuclear. Core i7, 2.4Ghz.
2. Ram: 20gb
3. Video Radeon xxxx 2gb
4. HDD: 500tb.
The configuration is powerful, in my opinion. I have installed OracleXE 11g, SqlDeveloper and I am running a query:
select 1 from dual;
which runs for 1.2 seconds. Neither restarting the computer nor restarting the database helps.
What could be the problem??

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6 answer(s)
Denis Smirnov, 2015-06-15

SSD is your answer. Or let's remotely test the parameters of your hardware under a load test.

protven, 2015-06-15

Your tests are weird. If you really want to understand the difference, start with a query plan. In the same sqldeveloper, it is built with the help of a mouse click or a hotkey - F10. Compare the two plans on your work computer and on your laptop. If it’s not clear right away, well, discover the fascinating world of Oracle analysis and tuning, google what an AWR report is, how to remove it, how to look at sessions and what they hang on online. And in general, if you want to dive into the topic, then the direct road to sql.ru and for the books of Kite and Lewis for a start.

prishelec, 2015-06-15

Maybe by chance the field was not indexed.

mamkaololosha, 2015-06-15

The request is to the database or does everything take 1.2 seconds? From pressing Run Query of some to the output of the result. It's just that in SQLite the query would be 0.001 sec. But you took oracle. And he brings down all his powers on your micro-request and naturally does a lot of his extra work.

Anton, 2015-06-15

Faced such problem on the virtual machine. Most likely it is possible that the database is configured incorrectly. I deleted the database and put it back on the books step by step.

Eugene, 2015-06-16

Locally from sql*plus how long does the query run?

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