dikutenz2019-06-02 22:06:36
dikutenz, 2019-06-02 22:06:36

Why is the data from the Room not being loaded into the RecyclerView on request?

I have Enity and DAO
@Entity(tableName = GarmentTable.NAME,
foreignKeys = @ForeignKey(entity = GarmentType.class, parentColumns = GarmentTypeTable.Cols.ID, childColumns = GarmentTable.Cols.TYPE))
public class Garment {
@PrimaryKey( autoGenerate = true)
@ColumnInfo(name = GarmentTable.Cols.ID)
private long mId;
@ColumnInfo(name = GarmentTable.Cols.TITLE)
private String mTitle;
@ColumnInfo(name = GarmentTable.Cols.TYPE, index = true)
private int mTypeId;
//getters setters
public interface GarmentDao {
@Query("SELECT * FROM " + GarmentTable.NAME)
LiveData> getAll();
@Query("SELECT * FROM " + GarmentTable.NAME + " WHERE :clause")
LiveData> getByClause(String clause);
In the repository, I have two methods to get all Garments or garments for a specific request
public class GarmentRepository {
private GarmentDao mGarmentDao;
private LiveData> mGarments;
GarmentRepository(Application application) {
MyRoomDatabase db = MyRoomDatabase.getDatabase(application);
mGarmentDao = db.garmentDao();
mGarments = mGarmentDao.getAll();
public LiveData> getAllGarments() {
return mGarments;
public LiveData>
return mGarmentDao.getByClause(whereClause);
In the ViewModel I make requests to the repository
public class GarmentViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
private GarmentRepository mRepository;
private LiveData> mGarments;
public GarmentViewModel(Application application) {
mRepository = new GarmentRepository(application);
mGarments = mRepository.getAllGarments();
public LiveData> getGarments() {
return mGarments;
public void setGarments(String whereClause) {
mGarments = mRepository.getGarments(whereClause);
In RecyclerView I add garments
RecyclerView recyclerView = view.findViewById(R.id.recycler_view);
final GarmentListAdapter adapter = new GarmentListAdapter(getActivity());
mGarmentViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(GarmentViewModel.class);
if(whereClause != null) {
mGarmentViewModel.getGarments().observe(this, new Observer>() {
public void onChanged(@Nullable final List garments) {
The question is that if I make a request for all garments, then they are displayed for me, if I enter some query (for example, whereClause = GarmentTable.Cols.TYPE + " = " + (i + 1); ), then I have an empty list is displayed. The program itself is much larger, I took from it separate parts that relate specifically to this problem. Are there any suggestions why this is so?

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