iTarchevsky2019-08-19 18:19:12
iTarchevsky, 2019-08-19 18:19:12

Why is the dark background on the site light?

I make a translucent dark background. Already tried everything. As I do not put on which class, I make an importer - all to no purpose. The background is light. I am newbie. Tell me what could be the problem?

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1 answer(s)
leni_m, 2019-08-19

1) open a browser where the dark background looks light.
2) right-click on an element with a background-> see the element's code (in some browsers "inspect").
3) find the html element with the background on the developer panel -> left click.
4) we look at the styles that the browser applies to the element, paying close attention to the background css property, it should be clearly shown where (file name and line number) all styles are applied to the element.
If you are a beginner, then first of all, study the developer panel in the browser. It is there that all the answers to the questions "why this way, and not somehow differently."

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