Alertoso2021-04-01 23:34:36
Alertoso, 2021-04-01 23:34:36

Why is the cx register not reset?

org 100h


        mov     ah, 0ah
        mov     dx, firstNum
        int     21h

        mov     ah, 02h
        mov     dx, 10
        int     21h

        mov     bx, firstNum
        call    A1

        mov     ah, $08
        int     21h
        mov     ax, 4c00h               ;выход
        int     21h

        push    ax
        push    cx
        push    dx
        push    di
        xor     cx, cx

        mov     di, 10
        mov     cx, [bx+2]
        mov     si, 2

        xor     dx, dx
        mov     dx, [bx+si]
        sub     dx, '0'
        add     ax, dx
        mul     di
        inc     si
        loop    .A2

        pop     si
        pop     di

        call    Show_AX

        push    ax
        push    cx
        push    dx
        push    di

        mov     di, 10                  ;di - основание с/c(системы счисления)
        xor     cx, cx                  ;cx - количество цифр в числе
        xor     dx, dx
        div     di                      ;dl = num mod 10
        add     dl, '0'                 ;перевод в символьный формат
        inc     cx
        push    dx                      ;складываем в стeк
        or      ax, ax
        jnz     @@Conv

;вывод из стека на экран

        pop     dx                      ;dl = очередной символ
        mov     ah, $02                 ;ah - функция вывода символа на экран
        int     21h

        loop    @@Show
        pop     di
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     ax

        mov     ah, $08
        int     21h
        mov     ax, 4c00h               ;выход
        int     21h

firstNum        dw 6,0,5 dup(?)

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1 answer(s)
jcmvbkbc, 2021-04-02

Why is the cx register not reset?

It seems to me that you want to ask a completely different question. For example, "why subroutine A1 of translating a string into its numeric value does not work correctly." The answer to this question is because there are two errors in the following code:
        push    ax
        push    cx
        push    dx
        push    di
        xor     cx, cx

        mov     di, 10
        mov     cx, [bx+2]

- firstly, the length of the string is written at offset 1 in the buffer, which is filled by interrupt function 0ah 21h ,
- secondly, the length of the string is represented by one byte, not a word, as you read.
With that in mind, the code should look like this:
        push    ax
        push    cx
        push    dx
        push    di
        xor     cx, cx

        mov     di, 10
        mov     cl, [bx+1]

And the buffer for inputting a string should be defined like this:
firstNum db 6,0,6 dup(?)
Next, here again you confuse bytes with words and load more than necessary into dx:
        xor     dx, dx
        mov     dx, [bx+si]
        sub     dx, '0'
        add     ax, dx

should be
        xor     dx, dx
        mov     dl, [bx+si]
        sub     dl, '0'
        add     ax, dx

Then you have some nonsense with the stack balance:
        push    ax
        push    cx
        push    dx
        push    di
        pop     si
        pop     di

you put one thing in it, and you take off another and in a different quantity. But it doesn't matter, because you don't return anywhere from function A1 anyway. Show_AX looks ok.

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