Nina Minko2020-10-04 16:55:24
Nina Minko, 2020-10-04 16:55:24

Why is the banner not displayed correctly after uploading to the server?

In short, I completed the content on my computer, inserted pictures on the banner, and posted it on the timeweb. And there I look at the banner, then it disappeared, it seems that all the relative paths are correctly spelled out, while other pictures are displayed, maybe it's with js? But I don't understand it that way. What do you think is the problem?
The files are in the link on the Yandex disk

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3 answer(s)
Nina Minko, 2020-10-04

In 5f79d531d259e016732039.pngHere, look, the picture is not displayed on the banner

Artem Pyvovar, 2020-10-04

Perhaps your browser does not support this image format, use a converter, but in general it is better to generate an image in the picture tag , to check image support, use this resource, enter the image format https://caniuse.com/?search=webp

Steppp, 2020-10-04

It's just that the paths in html in img are not correct) Either the timeweb has not yet uploaded pictures) In general, there are a lot of options) You can guess and guess what kind of code you have there, or maybe it's hosting

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