PVVK2016-03-22 11:41:04
PVVK, 2016-03-22 11:41:04

Why is Remote Desktop on Win7 only available with WinXP and not with Win7?

Remote access is configured on the machine with Win7 Ultimate, a user with administrator rights is created, access is configured in the firewall (RemoteFX), the machine itself is separate, just in the workgroup, behind a router with a static IP and port 3389 forwarded to the internal IP. I can connect to it from a computer with WinXP, without any problems at all, while from a computer with Win7 Prof I can’t at all - the error "invalid credentials". All clambered, politicians, turned off the firewall - hell was there. PLS HLP

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3 answer(s)
PVVK, 2016-03-22

Comrades, thank you very much. Everything was decided by installing on a computer with Win7 such a stray:

Konstantin Malyarov, 2016-03-22

Create another user and try through it.
Secondly, the problem may be in UTF-8 encoding and cp1251.

oia, 2016-03-22

try so the name of the PC to which you need to connect\account name and password, as an option .\account name and password

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