dimas092014-10-28 20:22:08
dimas09, 2014-10-28 20:22:08

Why is PHP returning a date that doesn't match the system date?

After the time change in Russia, on the server where the Europe/Moscow timezones were everywhere, the time did not change. But after installing tzdate, the system time was fixed, I write in the console date gives the correct time. I write in php -r "echo date('Ymd H:i:s');" I get an hour more.
Reinstalling php does not help.
What do you advise to do.

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4 answer(s)
My joy, 2014-10-28

another php.ini works through the console (/etc/php5/cli/) there set the default zone Europe/Moscow

akarin, 2014-10-28


neolink, 2014-10-28

PHP version, what system?
which outputs:


echo "Default TZ: ", date_default_timezone_get();

$r = new \ReflectionExtension('date');
echo $r->info();

Ilya, 2014-11-10

Just struggled with this problem myself (Debian 6, php 5.3.29). Here is my solution (as root):

apt-get install php-pear php5-dev build-essential
pecl install timezonedb
echo "extension=timezonedb.so" > /etc/php5/conf.d/timezonedb.ini

After that, you need to restart Apache
I really hope that it helps.

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