beduin012015-03-01 10:37:59
beduin01, 2015-03-01 10:37:59

Why is obj-c needed now?

Actually a question. Where is obj-c used now?
As I understand it, swift allows you to do everything the same only many times faster and more understandable.
The question can also be formulated as follows: are there any advantages to obj-c over swift?

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2 answer(s)
GavriKos, 2015-03-01

I can be very wrong, and I hope that I will be corrected if anything. Swift currently has extremely weak support for interacting with C++ code. Accordingly, if the application uses C ++ (and this is a lot of games), then it is better to use ObjC as a layer.

Puma Thailand, 2015-03-01

At least libraries and frameworks are written for C and not for Swift

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