Alexey Dugnist2015-12-17 16:44:48
Alexey Dugnist, 2015-12-17 16:44:48

Why is express not returning res.send?

There is a method:

writeFile = ( name, pdfData, filename, callback ) ->

  fs.writeFile filename, pdfData, { flags: 'wx' }, ( err ) ->

    if err

      callback ''
      console.log err


      callback name
      console.log 'saved'

Below is the route:
app.post '/upload', (( req, res, next ) ->

  filename = path.join __dirname, '/../../public/media/' + req.body.name + '.pdf'

  pdfData = new Buffer req.body.file, 'base64'
  writeFile req.body.name, pdfData, filename, ( name ) ->

    if name isnt ''

      # console.log name
      res.send 'Hello prev'


), (req, res) ->

  res.send 'Hello next'

Neither before next() nor after - res.send does not work...
What is the reason...?

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Dugnist, 2015-12-29

In fact, the answer came, I just received it incorrectly on the client ...

SagePtr, 2015-12-17

And name in function gets non-empty? If empty, then the next middleware in the chain will not be called and the function will close without even closing the connection with the client.

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