Stanislav2017-10-10 23:44:39
Stanislav, 2017-10-10 23:44:39

Why is a symfony 2.8 project running slowly?

Switched to Windows 10 with bash (ubuntu xenial). Raised under the shell linux nginx + php7.0-fpm. Everything was fine, but ran into a problem. Projects under symfony 2.8 under ubuntu 14 flew. Now they are all approximately loaded in 10-12 seconds. Sites are not on the symphony, they fly. FPM is running on a port, the socket hangs up for some reason. If you look at the loading timeline, everything on the controller sags right at the beginning of the action. I can't understand what is the reason.
Has anyone encountered something similar?

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2 answer(s)
Stanislav, 2017-10-11

Understood the problem. It turned out it was not the file system. I tried to place the cache in the Linux subsystem and vice versa, it works the same way.
The culprit of the brakes was php 7.0. This version was set from a standard turnip. After I installed 7.1 from ppa:ondrej/php everything started to fly.

shaqster, 2017-10-11

I didn’t work with bash from windows 10, but I’ll assume that the brakes may be due to the fact that your project with symphony lies in a directory that symlinks in ubuntu. That is, your files are on NTFS, not on ext4. Symphony actively writes/reads from app/cache or var/cache.

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