K. A.2016-11-18 23:53:54
K. A., 2016-11-18 23:53:54

Why groups.get doesn't return a complete list of the user's groups?

Faced incomprehensible behavior of the VK API method - groups.get.
I get a token and use this method to get a list of the user's groups. When checking the response from the method on the method page ( https://vk.com/dev/groups.get) by driving in my ID, offset 0, count - 0, extended - 1, I get a response containing 153 elements in count.
When requesting the same method, but following the link: https://api.vk.com/method/groups.get?access_token=... I get a list of my groups, but 53 pieces are already lost somewhere
: , not included in the issue - open and not blocked. Why is this happening? What didn't I learn?
PS: VK support is silent for the second day ...
UPD: After deleting the VK application and creating a new one, after receiving the token and contacting the API with it, I began to return an error:

{"error":{"error_code":5,"error_msg":"User authorization failed: You must use HTTPS when passing an access token.","request_params":[{"key":"oauth","value":"1"},{"key":"method","value":"users.get"}]}}

What kind of devil machine is this? I didn’t even touch the code, I just replaced the application id and seketna in the configs. line...
UPD 2: In general, either they fixed it, or something else, but it all worked.

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2 answer(s)
entermix, 2016-11-19

Are you passing the count parameter?
UPD: probably a glitch: https://vk.com/topic-17680044_30177106

Kirill Zhilyaev, 2016-11-19

Pass access_token. If the list of groups is hidden, then only publics will be returned. UPD: use https

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