Alik Send2019-05-31 11:34:36
Alik Send, 2019-05-31 11:34:36

Why files stopped downloading via telegram bot api?

Good afternoon.
I have a telegram bot that posts audio to a private channel every day at a certain time. Yesterday everything worked, but today when I tried to download the audio I got the answer "413 Request Entity Too Large". To interact with the bot api, I use the go-telegram-bot-api library . Judging by the source codes, loading occurs using InputFile, i.e. the contents of the file are sent in a POST request to sendAudio . According to the documentation, I can upload audio files up to 50Mb, and photos up to 10Mb, but now I can't even upload the audio files that the bot successfully uploaded yesterday.
It was also found that a 11Mb file (11608181) is being loaded, but a 413 error is returned for a 14Mb file (14595622). The files are loaded successfully through the desktop application.
I understand the problem is fresh and I have not found a solution yet. Perhaps someone also encountered it and found a way out. I suspect that the problem is on the telegram side.
I will be grateful for any advice. Thank you.

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1 answer(s)
Alik Send, 2019-06-02

In general, the situation resolved itself. Now everything works correctly. Apparently the problem really was on the telegram side, it was found and fixed. The question is closed

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