mrkmx2019-10-16 11:05:36
URL Handling
mrkmx, 2019-10-16 11:05:36

Why don't redirects with language conditions work in Netlify?

I'm trying to set up redirects via netlify.toml
Expected behavior on the main page /:

  • User with any browser language is redirected to/en/
  • The user with the Russian language of the browser is redirected to/ru/

Current behavior:
  • All users are redirected to/en/

Mine netlify.toml(I quote in full so that there is more information, the redirects of interest are the last 2 sections):
  command = "yarn build"
  functions = "functions"
  publish = "dist"

  from = "/register"
  to = "https://domain.tld/register"

  from = "/login"
  to = "https://domain.tld/login"

  from = "/"
  to = "/ru/"
  conditions = {Language = ["ru"]}

  from = "/"
  to = "/en/"

I tried to configure through the file _redirects, but through it it did not work at all

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