HeBonpoc2014-07-17 12:33:09
Task Schedulers
HeBonpoc, 2014-07-17 12:33:09

Why don't commands from crontab work?

cat > crontab.txt
*/1 * * * * echo "crontab"

crontab crontab.txt
crontab -e
*/1 * * * * echo "crontab"
In general, I need to run a php script, but even echo does not work.
I do all this on the host via putty. I tried to find the cron log, but did not find where it is put for my user.
What is wrong, what to read?

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1 answer(s)
Igor, 2014-07-17

You need to write either the full path to the command or the PATH variable in crontab .
And where should echo be executed?
For example, do the following task:
And check that the word test is written to the crontab_test.txt file .

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