DVoropaev2017-05-25 03:39:11
DVoropaev, 2017-05-25 03:39:11

Why doesn't wapiti work?

Ubuntu is on board, wapti put "sudo apt-get install wapiti".
On the first screenshot, the program does not work, on the second it does not find vulnerabilities, although they are there (sometimes, with good luck, it found SQL, XSS ....).
And an additional question, what are the analogues of this application for finding holes in web applications?

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1 answer(s)
Anton Maksimenkov, 2017-05-28

It also says Read timed out. Those. he did not receive a response within the allotted time. Accordingly, he does not have a page that he needs to explore, and therefore he cannot explore.
I like arachni the most. In general - a whole mountain of them. See what suits you more

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