Arthur2018-04-22 20:24:43
Arthur, 2018-04-22 20:24:43

Why doesn't the simplexml_load_file function retrieve data from an XML file?

There was a problem extracting data from a file. I have been playing the game for a long time and I was wondering how to use php to extract data from the res.xml file from the site. I also tried to extract using get , there were a few more attempts, and then when nothing happened, I abandoned this matter. Now I have a burning desire to try again, and I'm almost at the finish line)
I was looking for information about this, and read that you can use the simplexml_load_file () function . I managed to make an example of extracting data and understand it. I extracted data from a regular file, but I can’t extract data from a file that is on the game server.
Example from my res.xml file :

    <r name="1111"/>
    <r name="2222"/>
    <r name="3333"/>
    <r name="4444"/>

index.php file :

$xml = simplexml_load_file('res.xml');

echo '<pre>';

$s0_r0 = $xml->s[0]->r[0][name];
$s0_r1 = $xml->s[0]->r[1][name];
$s1_r0 = $xml->s[1]->r[0][name];
$s1_r1 = $xml->s[1]->r[1][name];

echo $s0_r0;
print "<br />";
echo $s0_r1;
print "<br />";
echo $s1_r0;
print "<br />";
echo $s1_r1;




When accessing a file on the server:

Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: https://www.timezero.ru/res.xml:11: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document in C:\OpenServer\domains\bot.artur\index.php on line 3
Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: in C:\OpenServer\domains\bot.artur\index.php on line 3
Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: ^ in C:\OpenServer\domains\bot.artur\index.php on line 3

The result should be:
What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance.

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1 answer(s)
Ice, 2018-04-22

all these elements must be wrapped
. Example of work:

$xml_str = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<script name="game">
  <S time="1389634801" shop="New Moscow Shop" xy="0/-1" city="New Moscow" >
    <R name="Metals" cost="1.75" need="41571" />
    <R name="Gold" cost="1.1" need="437837" />
    <R name="Polymers" cost="1.25" need="301096" />
    <R name="Organic" cost="2.6" need="242875" />
    <R name="Silicon" cost="1.3" need="909964" />
    <R name="Radioactive" cost="2" need="276821" />
    <R name="Gems" cost="1.6" need="489296" />
    <R name="Venom" cost="0.3" need="252830" />
  <S time="1389634801" shop="Berezka" xy="-1/-1" city="New Moscow" >
    <R name="Metals" cost="1.8" need="27183" />
    <R name="Gold" cost="1.2" need="14694" />
    <R name="Polymers" cost="1.27" need="15719" />
    <R name="Organic" cost="2.97" need="17164" />
    <R name="Silicon" cost="1.54" need="9195" />
    <R name="Radioactive" cost="2.16" need="17663" />
    <R name="Gems" cost="1.5" need="17054" />
    <R name="Venom" cost="0.37" need="11479" />

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml_str);
echo '<pre>';
echo 'cost:' . $xml->S[0]->R[0]['cost'] . '<br>';

foreach ($xml->S[0]->R as $state => $k) {
  echo "name:{$k['name']} 

In your case, you use the simplexml_load_file() function to load a file. The file you are
trying to load contains an error in the structure of the xml file.
as an option, you can take the data via curl php.net/manual/ru/book.curl.php
add a header or parse it as html simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net

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