Andrew2013-05-05 16:06:03
Network administration
Andrew, 2013-05-05 16:06:03

Why doesn't the server allow me to upload files via FTP?

The problem appears when one of the scripts creates a folder on the server, for example, if I install a CMS that unpacks itself from the archive, I cannot upload anything to this folder. The FTP client gives an error - 550 Request.php: Permission denied

Everything is solved by calling technical support with a request to reset the rights to the desired folder. Administrators usually do this within a day.

Is there any way to avoid this error? Maybe I’ll tell them, otherwise they have been dealing with it manually for two years already.

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4 answer(s)
script88, 2013-05-05

Here masterhost.ru/support/faq/technical/access-to-php-made/

Sergey, 2013-05-05


Alexey Sundukov, 2013-05-06

Is there any way to avoid this error?

Yes. Change host. Because technically the problem has already been solved long ago, if the host admin cannot set up such a banal thing, then you need to run away from such a host as soon as possible.
If you are interested and there is no illegal content, then I can offer a normal hosting.

Maxim Timokhin, 2013-05-05

I once solved such a problem with a script that recursively set the rights on the server using chown and chmod

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