mletov2015-09-10 14:00:13
Yandex maps
mletov, 2015-09-10 14:00:13

Why doesn't the icon stretch to fit the content when using preset: 'twirl#blueStretchyIcon'?

Please tell me why the icon may not stretch to fit the content when using the "twirl#blueStretchyIcon" preset?

var placemark = new ymaps.Placemark(
                                                                    [latitude, longitude],
                                                                        "balloonContent": text,
                                                                        "balloonContentBody": text,
                                                                        "iconContent": text                                                             
                                                                        preset: 'twirl#blueStretchyIcon'

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1 answer(s)
mletov, 2015-09-10

The question is removed, after a certain number of clicks Crl + F5 earned. Apparently cache.

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