Sergey Beloventsev2016-08-19 18:47:54
Sergey Beloventsev, 2016-08-19 18:47:54

Why doesn't the error fire and throw out a 404 page?

Here is the actual controller

public function actionOnepage($slug=null){
            return $this->render('onepage',[

I make a non-existent request in advance, but the exeption "Page not found" still does not work, what did I do wrong, do not tell me? here is the request from the debugger
SELECT * FROM `fl_pages` WHERE `slug_pages`='anna-kareninaрргеав'
        C:\OpenServer\domains\film.lc\frontend\controllers\PageController.php (29)

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1 answer(s)
Andrew, 2016-08-19

$page = Pages::findOne(['slug_pages'=>$slug]);
if ($page === null) {
    throw new \yii\web\NotFoundHttpException('Page not found.');

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