Edward D2022-02-07 15:13:24
C++ / C#
Edward D, 2022-02-07 15:13:24

Why doesn't lambda capture this?


// Header.h

#pragma once

#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <format>
#include <vector>

#include "Types.h"

#define IA_NEW( type ) new( type )

// Types.h
#pragma once

#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <atomic>
#include <array>

#define USE_TYPE( type ) using IA::type

namespace IA
  using Uint8		= std::uint8_t;
  using Int8		= std::int8_t;

  using Uint16	= std::uint16_t;
  using Int16		= std::int16_t;

  using Uint32	= std::uint32_t;
  using Int32		= std::int32_t;

  using Uint64	= std::uint64_t;
  using Int64		= std::int64_t;

  using Bool		= bool;

  using MemPtr	= void*;

  using MemDiff	= std::ptrdiff_t;

  using Void		= void;

  template< class T > using TAtomic = std::atomic< T >;

  template< class T > using UniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< T >;
  template< class T > using SharedPtr = std::shared_ptr< T >;

  template< class T, std::size_t N > using Array = std::array< T, N >;

  template< class T, class... Args > UniquePtr< T > CreateUniquePtr( Args&&... args )
    return std::make_unique< T >( std::forward< Args >( args )... );

  template< class T, class... Args > UniquePtr< T > CreateSharedPtr( Args&&... args )
    return std::make_shared< T >( std::forward< Args >( args )... );


USE_TYPE( Uint8 );
USE_TYPE( Int8 );

USE_TYPE( Uint16 );
USE_TYPE( Int16 );

USE_TYPE( Uint32 );
USE_TYPE( Int32 );

USE_TYPE( Uint64 );
USE_TYPE( Int64 );

USE_TYPE( Bool );

USE_TYPE( Void );

USE_TYPE( MemPtr );
USE_TYPE( MemDiff );

// Main.cpp

#include "Header.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <functional>

class WorkerThread;

std::vector< WorkerThread > GThreadPool;

std::mutex CommandLine;

enum WorkerState : Uint8
  eThreadUndefined = 0,

std::string Map( WorkerState state )
  static std::map< WorkerState, std::string > StateToStringTable =
    { eThreadUndefined, "Undefined" },
    { eThreadSuspended, "Suspended" },
    { eThreadProcessing, "Processing" },
    { eThreadError, "Error" },
    { eThreadTerminated, "Terminated" },
    { eThreadSuccess, "Success" },

  return StateToStringTable[ state ];

struct WorkerThreadInfo
  WorkerThreadInfo(WorkerState state, Uint32 id) : State(state), Id(id) { }

  WorkerState State;
  Uint32 Id;

class WorkerThread

    : m_thread( nullptr )
    , m_state( eThreadUndefined )
    , m_id( 0 )

  WorkerThread( IA::UniquePtr< std::thread >&& thread, WorkerState state, Uint32 id )
    : m_state( state )
    , m_id( id )
    , m_thread( std::move( thread ) )


  WorkerThread( const WorkerThread& ) = delete;
  WorkerThread& operator = ( const WorkerThread& ) = delete;

  WorkerThread( WorkerThread&& another ) noexcept
    m_id = another.m_id;
    m_thread = std::move( another.m_thread );
    m_state = another.m_state;
    m_isFinished.exchange( another.m_isFinished );
    m_isRunning.exchange( another.m_isRunning );

  WorkerThreadInfo GetInfo() const { return { m_state, m_id }; }

  Void SetState( WorkerState state ) { m_state = state; }
  WorkerState GetState() const { return m_state; }
  Uint32 GetId() const { return m_id; }
  Void SetId( Uint32 id ) { m_id = id; }
  Bool IsRunning() const { return m_isRunning; }
  Bool IsCompleted() const { return m_isFinished; }
  Bool IsValid() const { return m_thread != nullptr; }

  template< class TFunc, class... TArgs >
  Void Run( TFunc&& func, TArgs&&... args )
    m_thread = IA::CreateUniquePtr< std::thread >
      [this]( TFunc&& f, TArgs&&... a )
        this->m_state = eThreadProcessing;

        std::unique_lock lock( CommandLine, std::defer_lock );


        std::cout << "Thread with id - " << this->m_id << " changed its state to " << Map(this->m_state) << '\n';
        std::cout << "This - " << this << '\n';

        this->m_isRunning = true;
        f( std::forward< TArgs >( a )... );

        this->m_state = eThreadSuccess;


        std::cout << "Thread with id - " << this->m_id << " changed its state to " << Map( this->m_state ) << '\n';
        std::cout << "This - " << this << '\n';

        this->m_isRunning = false;
        this->m_isFinished = true;
      std::forward< TFunc >( func ),
      std::forward< TArgs >( args )...

  Void Join() { m_thread->join(); }
  Bool TryJoin() { if ( IsValid() && m_thread->joinable() ) { m_thread->join(); return true; } else return false; }

  Void Terminate() { m_thread = nullptr; m_state = eThreadTerminated; m_isRunning = false; m_isFinished = true; }

  const std::thread& GetThreadInternal() const { return *m_thread; }

  const std::thread* const GetThreadInternalPtr() const { return m_thread.get(); }


  IA::UniquePtr< std::thread > m_thread;
  WorkerState m_state;
  Uint32 m_id;

  IA::TAtomic< Bool > m_isRunning{ false };
  IA::TAtomic< Bool > m_isFinished{ false };


WorkerThreadInfo* GetThreadInfo( Uint32 id )
  auto it = std::find_if( GThreadPool.begin(), GThreadPool.end(), [ id ]( const WorkerThread& worker ) { return worker.GetId() == id; } );
  return ( it == GThreadPool.end() ) ? nullptr : IA_NEW( WorkerThreadInfo ) { it->GetInfo() } ;

template< class TFunc, class ...TArgs > //requires std::is_invocable_v< TFunc, TArgs... >
Void RunThread( Uint32 id, TFunc&& func, TArgs&&... args )

  WorkerThread& worker = GThreadPool.back();

  worker.SetId( id );
  worker.Run( std::forward< TFunc>( func ), std::forward< TArgs >( args )... );

Void FinishJobs()
  for ( auto& worker : GThreadPool )

  std::cout << "Jobs are finished.\n";

Void WriteToConsole( Uint32 what )
  std::unique_lock lock( CommandLine );
  std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 500 ) );

  std::cout << "Writing to console - " << what << '\n';

Void PrintThreadInfo( Uint32 id )
  WorkerThreadInfo* info = GetThreadInfo( id );

  if ( !info )
    std::lock_guard lock( CommandLine );
    std::cout << "Thread with id - " << id << " does is not found.\n";
    std::lock_guard lock( CommandLine );
    std::cout << "Id - " << info->Id << ", state - " << Map( info->State ) << '\n';

Int32 main()
  std::cout << "Hello everyone!\n";

  RunThread( 1, std::function( WriteToConsole ), 10 );

  RunThread( 2, std::function( WriteToConsole ), 20 );

  RunThread( 3, std::function( WriteToConsole ), 30 );

  PrintThreadInfo( 1 );
  PrintThreadInfo( 2 );
  PrintThreadInfo( 3 );


  PrintThreadInfo( 1 );
  PrintThreadInfo( 2 );
  PrintThreadInfo( 3 );

  for ( const auto& worker : GThreadPool )
    std::cout << "WorkerID - " << worker.GetId() << ", object address - " << &worker << '\n';

  return 0;

The output of the program on one of the launches:

Hello everyone!
Id - 1, state - Undefined
Id - 2, state - Undefined
Id - 3, state - Undefined
Thread with id - 3722304989 changed its state to Processing
This - 0000020717724620
Writing to console - 10
Thread with id - 3722304989 changed its state to Success
This 0000020717724620 Thread with id -
3722304989 changed its state to Processing
This thirty
Thread with id - 3 changed its state to Success
This - 00000207177160A0
Jobs are finished.
Id - 1, state - Undefined
Id - 2, state - Undefined
Id - 3, state - Success
WorkerID - 1, object address - 0000020717716070
WorkerID - 2, object address - 0000020717716088
WorkerID - 3, object address - 00000207177160A0 Job

3 are created threads (encapsulated using WorkerThread ), each of which performs a specific function with the arguments passed. Each thread has its own ID (not system) and WorkerStatus, which should change during execution.
Id is set before startstart the thread. The lambda function must modify the private members of the WorkerThread object that is referenced by the lambda-closure. However, in the process of running the program, it either crashes ( Heap corruction ), or presents the result above.
lambda only captures the last stream correctly.

No idea how to fix it.
Perhaps I have a wrong understanding of how lambda functions work.

Please tell me what is the reason for this behavior of the program.

Project - Visual Studio 2019 - Cmake project, C++20

Thanks in advance.

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1 answer(s)
Armenian Radio, 2022-02-07

Banal damage to all iterators, references and pointers at the moment when you call emplace on your thread dump for the second time. The cure is to get rid of the re-allocation when calling emplace by calling reserve(), or use a container that doesn't move its contents back and forth, like std::list

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