Trianid Trianid2022-02-07 00:03:54
Trianid Trianid, 2022-02-07 00:03:54

Why doesn't handler catch callback in telebot?

I provide the code, the buttons are called inside the function with the TEXT handler. I understand that somewhere there is a jamb but I can not catch up.

def handle_text(message):
    userid = str(message.chat.id)
    user_first_name = str(message.chat.first_name)
    user_last_name = str(message.chat.last_name)
    user_username = str(message.chat.username)
    if userid in userslist:
        with open(logfilename, 'a') as file_object:
            timenow = datetime.now() 
            file_object.write(f'"{timenow}","{userid}","{user_username}","{user_first_name} {user_last_name}","request","{message.text}","A"\n')
        if len(message.text) >= 5:
            result = []
            for s in pdfs:
                if s.casefold().__contains__(message.text.casefold()):
#                if s.__contains__(message.text):
            if len(result) == 1:
                for schema in result:
                    file_to_send = open(schema, 'rb')
                    bot.send_document(message.chat.id, file_to_send)
                    a = types.ReplyKeyboardRemove()
                    bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Чертеж найден, поищем еще?', reply_markup=a )
                    timenow = datetime.now()
                    with open(logfilename, 'a') as file_object:
                        file_object.write(f'"{timenow}","{userid}","{user_username}","{user_first_name} {user_last_name}","response","{schema}","A"\n')
            elif len(result) == 0:
                a = types.ReplyKeyboardRemove()
                bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Чертеж НЕ НАЙДЕН', reply_markup=a )
            elif len(result) > 15:
                for schema in result[:15]:
                    dirname, filename = os.path.split(schema)
                    markup.add(types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=filename, callback_data=schema))
                bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Показаны первые 15 результатов. Если искомого чертежа нет - уточните поиск:', reply_markup=markup )
                for schema in result:
                    dirname, filename = os.path.split(schema)
                    markup.add(types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=filename, callback_data=schema))
#                    markup.add(types.KeyboardButtonUrl(text=filename, url=schema))
                bot.send_message(message.chat.id, f'Найдено {len(result)} Чертежей. Выберите чертеж:', reply_markup=markup )
            bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Нужно вводить 5+ символов' )
        bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Ты не имеешь доступа!' )
        timenow = datetime.now()
        with open(logfilename, 'a') as file_object:
            file_object.write(f'"{timenow}","{userid}","{user_username}","{user_first_name} {user_last_name}","request","{message.text}","NA"\n')

#Obrabotka callbackov

@bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: True)
def callback_worker(call):
    """Функция обработки кнопок"""
    if call.data:
         filetosend = call.data
         file_to_send = open(filetosend, 'rb')
         bot.send_document(call.chat.id, file_to_send)

# Запускаем бота
bot.polling(none_stop=True, interval=0)

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1 answer(s)
soremix, 2022-02-07

We created a keyboard as ReplyKeyboardMarkup, and insert inline buttons into it. For inline buttons there is another keyboard - InlineKeyboardMarkupinsert into it

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