Viktor Zernov2016-03-02 01:37:03
Viktor Zernov, 2016-03-02 01:37:03

Why doesn't gulp-connect refresh the page when a file changes?

Good day, Friends!
The essence of the problem is this: I configured gulpfile.js, everything works correctly, except that gulp-connect does not want to update the browser page itself. The script inserts into html, it does not give errors. I've tried both with and without the Chrome extension. What can be ideas, what I was wrong?

gulp = require 'gulp'
connect = require 'gulp-connect'
jade = require 'gulp-jade'
stylus = require 'gulp-stylus'
coffee = require 'gulp-coffee'
uglify = require 'gulp-uglify'
clean = require 'gulp-clean'
rjs = require 'gulp-requirejs'

gulp.task 'connect', ->
    port: 1337
    livereload: on
    root: './dist'

gulp.task 'jade', ->
  gulp.src 'src/jade/*.jade'
    .pipe do jade
    .pipe gulp.dest 'dist'
    .pipe do connect.reload

gulp.task 'stylus', ->
  gulp.src 'src/stylus/*.styl'
    .pipe stylus set: ['compress']
    .pipe gulp.dest 'dist/css'
    .pipe do connect.reload

gulp.task 'build', ['coffee'], ->
    baseUrl: 'js'
    name: '../bower_components/almond/almond'
    include: ['main']
    insertRequire: ['main']
    out: 'all.js'
    wrap: on
  .pipe do uglify
  .pipe gulp.dest 'dist/js'
  .pipe do connect.reload

  gulp.src 'js/', read:no
    .pipe do clean

gulp.task 'coffee', ->
  gulp.src 'src/coffee/*.coffee'
    .pipe do coffee
    .pipe gulp.dest 'js'
    .pipe do connect.reload

gulp.task 'watch', ->
  gulp.watch 'src/jade/*.jade', ['jade']
  gulp.watch 'src/stylus/*.styl', ['stylus']
  gulp.watch 'src/coffee/*.coffee', ['build']

gulp.task 'default', ['connect', 'jade', 'stylus', 'build', 'watch']

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