Fengol2018-04-12 09:38:53
Fengol, 2018-04-12 09:38:53

Why doesn't dynamic require work in a route?

There is a module that is compiled on change and there is a route that dynamically loads this module.

router.get( '/info', ( request, response ) => {
    const { Info } = require( 'Info' );

    console.log( Info.getInfo() ); // данные не меняются. Почему?
} )
After compiling the Info module, I see the changes in the file, but in the route it shows the old values.
Why and how to fix it?

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1 answer(s)
Coder321, 2018-04-12

Because require caches the first value and changes to the file will not give you anything.

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