Rodion Almetov2019-04-29 12:57:28
Rodion Almetov, 2019-04-29 12:57:28

Why doesn't custom validation work?

There is a custom rule for checking the date. Everything is according to the Laravel documentation, but it does not work and always returns that there are no errors. dump and dd from the passes method does not react in any way. Are there any guesses?

class CheckDeliveryDate implements Rule
    public $client_id;
    private $error_messge;
    public function __construct(int $client_id)
        $this->client_id = $client_id;
        $this->error_messge = "Некорректная дата доставки";
    public function passes($attribute, $value)
        $delivery_date = Carbon::parse($value);

        if ($delivery_date->isToday()) {
            $this->error_messge = "Дата доставки не может быть сегодняшней";

            return false;

        if ($delivery_date->endOfDay()->isPast()) {
            $this->error_messge = "Дата доставки не может быть прошедшей";

            return false;

        return true;

    public function message() {
        return $this->error_messge;

I connect in the controller:
$validator = Validator::make(

Rule array method:
public function rules($client_id) {
    return [
        'orders.*.positions.*.delivery_time' => ['required', 'date', new CheckDeliveryDate($client_id)],

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2 answer(s)
Rodion Almetov, 2019-04-30

I figured it out... It turned out that the JSON format was not quite correct. The validator works with an array, but not with a collection

NubasLol, 2019-04-29

dump and dd from the passes method does not react in any way

Because it is not called, so it does not work. Error here
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