Kenny002021-04-12 17:50:46
Kenny00, 2021-04-12 17:50:46

Why doesn't Barman find pg_receivexlog?

There is a separate server for PostgreSQL 10.5 backup.

Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 9.13 (stretch)
Release: 9.13
Codename: stretch

psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 10.5 (Ubuntu 10.5-24.1C)

barman --version
Barman by 2ndQuadrant (www .2ndQuadrant.com)

1C psql client was installed from deb:

Package List

barman show-server pg_main
Server pg_main:
active: True
archiver: False
archiver_batch_size: 0
backup_directory: /var/lib/barman/pg_main
backup_method: postgres
backup_options: BackupOptions(['concurrent_backup'])
bandwidth_limit: None
barman_home: /var/lib/barman
barman_lock_directory: /var/lib/barman
basebackup_retry_sleep: 30
basebackup_retry_times: 0
basebackups_directory: /var/lib/barman/pg_main/base
check_timeout: 30
compression: None
connection_error: None
conninfo: host=pg port=5432 user=barman dbname=postgres
current_size: None
current_xlog: None
custom_compression_filter: None
custom_decompression_filter: None
data_directory: /var/lib/postgresql/10/main
description: pg_main
disabled: False
errors_directory: /var/lib/barman/pg/errors
immediate_checkpoint: False
incoming_wals_directory: /var/lib/barman/pg/incoming
is_superuser: True
last_backup_maximum_age: None
minimum_redundancy: 2
msg_list: []
name: pg_main
network_compression: False
path_prefix: /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin
pg_basebackup_bwlimit: True
pg_basebackup_compatible: True
pg_basebackup_installed: True
pg_basebackup_path: /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/pg_basebackup
pg_basebackup_tbls_mapping: True
pg_basebackup_version: 10.5-24.1C)
pg_receivexlog_compatible: None
pg_receivexlog_installed: True
pg_receivexlog_path: /usr/bin/pg_receivexlog
pg_receivexlog_supports_slots: None
pg_receivexlog_synchronous: None
pg_receivexlog_version: None
pgespresso_installed: False
post_archive_retry_script: None
post_archive_script: None
post_backup_retry_script: None
post_backup_script: None
pre_archive_retry_script: None
pre_archive_script: None
pre_backup_retry_script: None
pre_backup_script: None
recovery_options: RecoveryOptions([])
replication_slot: None
replication_slot_support: True
retention_policy: RECOVERY WINDOW OF 7 DAYS
retention_policy_mode: auto
reuse_backup: None
server_txt_version: 10.5
slot_name: pg03_main
ssh_command: None
streaming: True
streaming_archiver: True
streaming_archiver_batch_size: 0
streaming_archiver_name: barman_receive_wal
streaming_backup_name: barman_streaming_backup
streaming_conninfo: host=pg port=5432 user=streaming_barman
streaming_supported: True
streaming_wals_directory: /var/lib/barman/pg_main/streaming
synchronous_standby_names: None
systemid: 6874880056196028997
tablespace_bandwidth_limit: None
timeline: 1
wal_level: replica
wal_retention_policy: MAIN
wals_directory: /var/lib/barman/pg_main/wals
xlogpos: 7/950001B0

barman check pg
Server pg:
        WAL archive: FAILED (please make sure WAL shipping is setup)
        PostgreSQL: FAILED
        directories: OK
        retention policy settings: OK
        backup maximum age: OK (no last_backup_maximum_age provided)
        compression settings: OK
        failed backups: OK (there are 0 failed backups)
        minimum redundancy requirements: FAILED (have 0 backups, expected at least 2)
        pg_basebackup: OK
        pg_basebackup compatible: OK
        pg_receivexlog: OK
        pg_receivexlog compatible: FAILED (PostgreSQL version: 10.5, pg_receivexlog version: None)
        receive-wal running: FAILED (See the Barman log file for more details)
        archiver errors: OK

Problem pg_receivexlog compatible: FAILED (PostgreSQL version: 10.5, pg_receivexlog version: None)

Added PATH to /etc/barman.conf
path_prefix = /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin

Nothing has changed, what is missing? I didn't find anything suitable in the documentation and in Google.
They write, see pg_receivexlog_path: /usr/bin/pg_receivexlog , so the 10th version of the 1C assembly does not put anything there in principle.

As far as I know pg_receivexlog has become pg_receivewal or am I wrong?

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1 answer(s)
Melkij, 2021-04-12


5 September 2017: 2ndQuadrant is proud to announce the release of Barman version 2.3 , a Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL.
This minor release introduces support for PostgreSQL 10.

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