vvmgev2015-10-27 21:26:48
vvmgev, 2015-10-27 21:26:48

Why doesn't Auth::check() work in laravel?

I have a class that has several actions and the one who logged in can enter there

public function __construct(){

      return redirect('/');


it doesn't work that way it works
public function index()
      return redirect('/');
    echo 'index';

but it's not right not to write professionally in all actions
sorry for my english

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6 answer(s)
Mikhail Osher, 2015-10-27

Read about middleware auth.

Otkrick, 2013-04-24

On NG I bought myself an Asus P53E , twisted the drive and instead of it put an ssd'shnik + added memory through the chassis . The screen is matte, the case/design is very nice (metal), the keys are very large, I compile large projects on a remote server, otherwise the performance is enough (I use Linux Mint DE, the second one is Win7 from the kit). I tried this: I set Proxmox with X as the main axis, started a win2003 virtual machine on ssd with periodic snapshots to hard, when the laptop was turned on, it automatically connected rdesktop to Windows, and added test virtual machines via web-gui and worked with them. In general, it works great, but youtube in full screen mode slows down due to rdesktop (updating the picture from top to bottom is noticeable).

Dmitry Karassev, 2013-04-24

Asus (K55A)(HD) is a very good machine for the money.
The body was finally made not crumbling after a couple of months.
15.6" - 1366x768
CPU - i5 3210M (2600 MHz)
Chipset - Intel HM76
Memory - 4096 MB (1600 MHz ... up to 8GB)
Video subsystem - Intel HD Graphics 4000
USB 3.0 - 2
USB 2.0 - 1
Weight - 2.5 kg
Price in Tomsk DNS 22t.r.
PS — I took it to a close friend a couple of weeks ago with the same requirements as you. He was very pleased ;)

Sergey, 2013-04-24

asus k53s. There is nothing to compare with, since I only had two laptops. I will say for sure - it does not heat up, even in games the case does not heat up. The RAM and power of the processor will be enough to run many heavy applications. I myself work as a programmer. IDE + chrome + FF + local server + a few more applications on Ubuntu 12.04 with various compize beauties work quite tolerably. Of the minuses - the keyboard is different from the usual. But you can always connect an external one. Or you can get used to it in a week.

SleepingLion, 2013-04-24

The keyboards of the latest asus have a serious minus - the Del + Ins keys (Ins = FN + Del) are combined and the arrow block is not highlighted in any way. If you use the Insert button, then this may not be very convenient.
And the rest - excellent laptops, they upgrade remarkably.

maeln0r, 2013-04-24

Thank you all for your answers, I will focus on this model , I really liked the keyboard. And the charging location, as they did for me, on the left)

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