Learpcs2017-12-17 22:14:20
Learpcs, 2017-12-17 22:14:20

Why doesn't a compiled pascal program run without a shell?

I'm teaching my friend Pascal, and he wants his application to work separately from the shell.
I did everything I needed and set saving the exe file to a separate folder I
run the file, it loops and after that the program ends, although there are a couple more lines of code
However, if you run it through the shell, the program works properly
I can’t understand what the problem is!

var otvet,ans,attempts:integer;
writeln('Привет,это игра "Угадай число",правила просты.');
writeln('Отгадай число загаданное,мной,ВЕЛИЧАЙШЕЙ В МИРЕ ПЕКАРНЕЙ ВСЕЯ РУСИ.');
while(ans <> otvet) do 
    if(ans < otvet) then begin writeln('Мое число больше!'); ans := otvet; readln(ans); end
    else if(ans > otvet) then begin writeln('Мое число меньше!'); ans := otvet; readln(ans); end
writeln('Молодец, ты меня победил!');
writeln('Твое количество попыток: '+ attempts);

PS Game guess the number

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2 answer(s)
Roman Mirilaczvili, 2017-12-18

The output to the screen is made in a text window (console mode), while the last text just skips a glimpse, the program ends and the text window closes immediately.
Therefore, you need to run the executable either using cmd.exe, or in a Pascal program by adding the last line ReadLn;, re-compiling it into an executable. In the latter case, the program will wait for Enter to be pressed.

KKINIUSS, 2018-02-26

I think after writeln('Your number of attempts: '+ attempts); you need to write "readkey;" so that the answer is delayed until the key is pressed) unsubscribe if the verb is correct))))

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