Alex Efros2013-01-23 06:47:54
Network administration
Alex Efros, 2013-01-23 06:47:54

Why does zapret-info.gov.ru block Samizdat?

I just discovered that access to zhurnal.lib.ru/ was blocked by Rostelecom with a link to zapret-info.gov.ru. (Of course, neither by the domain name nor by IP does zapret-info.gov.ru give this site as blocked.)

And my question is this: I, in fact, am in Ukraine. Laws adopted in Russia should not restrict citizens of other countries, no? Especially those that are not even in Russia? If the law required the closure of the site / shutdown of servers (located on the territory of the country) - one thing. But it requires blocking access to some sites and can only apply to citizens of their country. Well, this is logical and in an ideal world, of course. In general, maybe Rostelecom should moderate its enthusiasm for licking the asses of officials and stop blocking access to sites that are not blocked according to zapret-info.gov.ru, at least for non-Russian IPs?

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6 answer(s)
sust, 2013-01-23

Old story already.

Michael Danilov, 2013-01-23

As noted above, this is ancient history, and the address that works fine in the list of the Ministry of Justice and redirects to the website of the Ministry of Justice, and the address without www is blocked by Rostelecom. Apparently, the logic is such that if any request to a banned address comes to the RT network (and it doesn’t matter whether it is transit traffic or the domain is serviced by RT itself, as in the case of Samizdat), then it is blocked. Yes, from the point of view of foreign users, to whom the laws of the Russian Federation do not apply, this is not logical, but when did anyone care?

ASD2003ru, 2013-01-23

It's strange, but in the dump from zapret-info, neither the domain nor the IP was found.

GaMBiT, 2013-01-23

Novosibirsk, provider Novotelecom. The site opens normally, but the TTK provider has the same Rostelecom stub

kassiopea203, 2013-01-23

Moscow, direct IP. TOR, Munich IP. Does not open.

Biga, 2013-01-23

The funny thing is that samlib.ru opens and works perfectly. Well, what's the point of blocking one of the domain names because of some one dubious publication, which must have been deleted long ago? The question is rhetorical.

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