someonenext2018-03-26 16:07:46
someonenext, 2018-03-26 16:07:46

Why does Woocommerce plugins work?

Good day to all.
I ran into one problem here. I don't understand what's wrong.
I create a template for an online store on an individual design. In general, I did everything and everything works, but additional plugins for Woocommerce do not work.
I tried to install a plugin that displays a quick view of the product in a pop-up window. It worked on the default theme, but not on mine.
The same with the plugin that adds tags (labels) to the product, such as "New" and the like.
But the PayPal plugin works.
Where did I make a mistake. Any suggestions?

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2 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-03-26

It's hard to say anything specific...
1) did you enable woomertz support in the theme via functions?
2) did you copy the wookomerc templates to your theme directory?
3) Are the edits you made to the voicemeter templates consistent with the latest voicemeter API?
4) check in the console for js errors
5) check the header & footer for the correct location of wp_head() wp_footer()
6) enable debug and look for PHP errors

someonenext, 2018-03-27

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Edits were all reduced mainly to adding classes and style edits. And also to replace the text of the buttons.
4. There are no errors
5. Everything is correct
6. I work in phpStorm. If there were errors, I would notice them immediately.
No more guesses?

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