IvanVvV2018-03-22 12:07:54
IvanVvV, 2018-03-22 12:07:54

Why does toFixed round up like that?

0.755.toFixed(2); // result 0.76
0.7555.toFixed(3); // result 0.755
0.75555.toFixed(4); // result 0.7556
0.755555.toFixed(5); // result 0.75555
0.7555555.toFixed(6); // result 0.755556
0.75555555.toFixed(7); // result 0.7555555
Why is this happening, because in these examples there should always be a 6 at the end.?

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2 answer(s)
Lynn "Coffee Man", 2018-03-22

Because these numbers cannot be represented exactly in double format (see IEEE 754)

> 0.755.toFixed(20)
> 0.7555.toFixed(20)
> 0.75555.toFixed(20)

Those. when you write 0.755 in computer representation it is actually a little more than 0.755 , and for 0.7555 it 's a little less.

Denis, 2018-03-22

it was mine
JS - how to leave only 2 decimal places (not round) after the decimal point?
respectively, how many numbers should be left after the decimal point by this order to multiply and then divide

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