Combat72020-08-15 16:06:54
Combat7, 2020-08-15 16:06:54

Why does the wildberries API return an empty result?

The situation is this, we are trying to work with the api wildberries.ru
The support is terrible, they ignore it for almost 3 weeks, I decided to try my luck and write here
What is the problem, we are trying to get the rest of the goods, page 4 of the instructions Link
In the answer it does not give anything except []
Successfully issues orders, other crap, but the rest of a couple of things does not issue a
GET request like https://suppliers-stats.wildberries.ru/api/v1/supp...
Changed the date, the flag, anyway, there is no result.
A new key was also given, it did not help
Perhaps we are doing something wrong, tell me please, we will be grateful

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1 answer(s)
Combat7, 2020-08-24

After a month of silence, technical support simply began to give results by itself. Apparently it's been fixed.

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