Morrowind2021-01-17 16:21:38
Morrowind, 2021-01-17 16:21:38

Why does the markup and icons shrink during deployment?

I have a problem with an already deploy apk. When I take the examples and run the code on Desktop everything is ok.


As soon as I put the application on the phone, everything flies. Markup, scale in the first case. In the second icons.

No matter how I change buildozer.spec , the situation does not change. It seems that part of the library does not work or is not converted to apk.
On the assembly machine, I run the file and it also opens with full display.

Please tell me where to look for the problem, in the assembly, or I didn’t fully understand something in the nuances of KiveMD development.

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1 answer(s)
Morrowind, 2021-01-24

Solution: Use the instructions from and to https://habr.com/ru/post/479236/
All other options have not taken off at the moment.

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