MIKHAN_GO2021-02-28 13:44:42
MIKHAN_GO, 2021-02-28 13:44:42

Why does the function to edit the channel under online in discord.py not work?

The function to edit the channel does not work, in which it should be online:

async def update_online():
    online_now = sum([0 if member.status == discord.status.offline else 1 for member in after.guild.members])
    channel = bot.get_channel(806502570696376390)
    await channel.edit(name=f"ONLINE: {online_now}")

It does not give an error, it just does not work, more precisely, the name of the channel does not change.

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1 answer(s)
Maxim Nevzorov, 2021-02-28


  1. Event listeners should start withon_
  2. The event on_update_online()doesn't exist, you need it on_member_update(before, after): https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api.htm...
  3. Using sum() in an async context is most likely a bad idea
  4. Ratelimits allow you to edit the name and description of the channel only 2 times in ten minutes

In light of the above:
from datetime import datetime


last_time = datetime.now()

async def on_member_update(before, after):
    if (datetime.now() - last_time).total_seconds() > 60*5:  # один раз в пять минут
    last_time = datetime.now()
    online = len([m for m in after.guild.members if m.status != discord.Status.offline])
    await bot.get_channel(CHANNEL_ID).edit(name=f"Online: {online}")

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