Alexey2021-01-13 13:07:07
Alexey, 2021-01-13 13:07:07

Why does the domain hang in chrome and how to get rid of it when executing a php script?

I don't know how to describe the situation better, but I'll try.

There is domain.ru with authorization and PHPSESSION assignment. On the site, the user inserts a link to the file and it starts to be loaded on the server (using curl). The client computer does not play any role - it only sends a link to the source. This is implemented through a post request with a "loaded" response.

when the source gives some glitches or it has a very low download speed, it looks like a white page in the tab with the site loading and waiting for the "loading" message to load.
At this moment, the user cannot (WHY?) open a new tab and work from scratch on another task - it's just that index.php apparently does not connect and is spinning ... It can only be solved by restarting the browser and relogin.

What is the problem and how to solve?

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1 answer(s)
nokimaro, 2021-01-13

For a general understanding of the problem, I recommend reading Blocking Sessions in PHP
Possible solutions:
1. session_write_close();
2. do not use sessions where they are not needed
3. use the session driver without blocking

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