EVOSandru62015-11-05 14:43:19
EVOSandru6, 2015-11-05 14:43:19

Why does the CJuiAutoComplete dropdown disappear when hovering the mouse in isAjaxRequest mode?

Good afternoon, there is such a problem,

There is a widget,


                          'showAnim'  =>  'fold',
                           'minLength' =>  '3',
                            'select'    =>  'js:function( event, ui )
                             $("#placeSearch").val( ui.item.label );
                              $("#place_id").val( ui.item.id );
                               return false;
                             'onfocus' => 'js: 
                                   this.value = null; $("#place_id").val(null);   
                                    'class' => 'input-xxlarge search-query',
                                    'name' => 'Hotels[place_id]',
                                    'placeholder' => $model->place_id ? $model->place->name :                      
                                    "Введите первые 3 и более буквы региона",

There is a need to reload the block with the form containing the data of 2 widgets via ajax/jquery and renderPartial in the controller:

Yii::app()->clientScript->scriptMap =
    'jquery.js' 				=> false,
    'jquery.ui.js' 			=> false,
    'jquery.yiiactiveform.js' 	=> false,

      'model'		=>	$model,
      'customers'	=>	$customers,
      'managers'	=>	$managers,
      'hotels'	=>	$hotels,
    ], false, true);

jquery scripts are not duplicated. The problem is the following: Before updating, both widgets work well, but after the following happens:

The drop-down list drops out, but the event specified in the widget stops working:

'select'    =>  'js:function( event, ui )
       $("#placeSearch").val( ui.item.label );
       $("#place_id").val( ui.item.id );
       return false;

More precisely, when you hover over the list, wanting to select an item, the entire list disappears. ul turns into display:none

I tried to make a crutch so that when hovering over the dropdown, it would remain display:block

After it disappears, it becomes display:none and hangs in firebug

<?php if(Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest):   // && !isset($_GET['term']) ?>

    <script type="text/javascript">

            var elem = $('.ui-autocomplete.ui-menu.ui-widget.ui-widget-content.ui-corner-all');



<?php endif;?>

But the console does not write anything, therefore my events interrupt the events of the component from the widget

How to make it so that when hovering over the drop-down list does not disappear? He is very needed, you can write crutches with him, but he is a bastard disappearing.
Tell me please! Maybe someone came across.

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