godsplane2019-09-07 10:20:32
godsplane, 2019-09-07 10:20:32

Why does the administration / moderators / users mark the answer as a solution, which is not a solution at all?

An example of such a question Could you please answer questions about ES6?
Sergey delphinpro is marked as a solution, but I did not mark it, then someone else did it, if for me this is not a solution, then what's the point of marking it as a solution to others?
If a fool asks what a watermelon is, and they write to him that for a start it is worth knowing what berries are and not climbing for a watermelon yet.
A simple example, I don’t hold a grudge against anyone, this mechanic is just interesting.

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3 answer(s)
Moskus, 2019-09-07

Because the Toaster is designed not so much for the specific author of the question to receive an answer to the question that satisfies him personally, but so that other people in a similar situation know how to approach it.
If, for example, you did not specifically understand how to use the answer, this does not mean that in the general case, this is not a solution. Or if you forgot to mark the solution for what it, in reality, is.
Well, and, moreover, the Toaster is not for the personal entertainment of the authors of questions in the spirit of "whoever I want, I will reward, and whoever I don't like - goes through the forest."

dollar, 2019-09-07

  • Tag curators can mark an answer as a solution.
  • A week after the answer, you can see exactly who marked it as a solution. So look at your questions from a week ago and more ancient ones, where this was observed.
  • Why - this should be asked specifically from the one who marked the decision. But offhand, I can say that he considered the answer a solution . No matter how trite it may sound, but it is true. There is, of course, a micro chance of malicious intent, but it can be neglected, here are all adults, soon to die, not up to these games. So, most likely, someone just wanted to help , believing that this is really the solution. Here's why.
  • If you do not agree with such marks, and they really bother you, and not just curiosity, then there is a button for complaints (Feedback) below.

Sergey Gornostaev, 2019-09-07

I don’t know who and why specifically marked this answer as a decision, but I know that you can remove this mark if you do not agree with it.

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