Alexey2021-06-24 19:45:02
Alexey, 2021-06-24 19:45:02

Why does Redmine crash after installing the plugin?

Hello. We have Bitnami Redmine 4.2.1 running Windows. After installing the plugin and then rebooting all modules, Redmine crashes. Restart does not help, while Apache and SQL run smoothly. Where to look and where are my hands crooked?

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2 answer(s)
CityCat4, 2021-06-25

Because the plugin is a direct intervention in the work of redmine. In fact, there is a modification of the code. The plugin is either for a different version of redmine, or is designed for a different version of ruby ​​(this is extremely important!), Or is incompatible with other plugins. If you have something non-standard, it is better to have a test base for runs.

Dimonchik, 2021-06-24

are usually right or missing libs/files

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