lagudal2019-05-16 11:00:22
lagudal, 2019-05-16 11:00:22

Why does popup work incorrectly in M2?

Hello, this is the problem.
We want to immediately greet visitors from the start with a modal window in which it is proposed to choose whether the client is an individual or a company. In order to immediately show the corresponding prices.
Those. a window pops up, select one of the two options in the drop-down list, press ok and that's it.
But here my colleagues are too smart, in my opinion, and I myself can’t find where the dog is buried - the problem is that after selecting the option in the dropdown, the window closes without waiting for ok - in general, let it be so. But after closing, the window opens again in a second, and so on until you forcibly press ok or x.
And after reloading the page, the window pops up again and again, even if you chose the first - default - option and clicked ok. There seems to be a problem with the storage of cookies, if I understand correctly.
The site is under development, unfortunately, it is only accessible from the internal network, so I can only provide the popup code.
Actually, here he is.

<div id="custom-popup-modal">
<?php if ($block->getHelper()->usePrivateContent()):?>
  <div class="welcome"><?php echo __("We're happy that you've chosen us!")?></div>
  <div class="choose"><?php echo __("Would you like to continue as a business customer or private customer?")?></div>
  <!--  <li class="switcher-label" data-bind="scope: 'switcher'"><span data-bind="text: switcher().label"></span></li>-->	
  <li class="switcher-dropdown" data-bind="scope: 'switcher'">
    <script type="text/x-magento-init">
                            "component": "Anowave_TaxSwitch/js/switcher",
                "endpoint": "<?php echo $block->getUrl('taxswitch/index/index') ?>"
      var bindTrack  = <?php echo $block->getHelper()->getTrack() ?>; 
      var bindRender = function()
        return true;
      var bindRenderOptions = function()
        <?php if (false):?>
           * This is kind of dirty workaround. value: switcher().current doesn't seem to work in Magento 2.1.2
          var select = jQuery('select[name=tax_display]'), current = jQuery(':hidden[name=current]').val(), current_arg = jQuery(':hidden[name=current_arg]').val();
          if (0 < parseInt(current_arg))

        <?php endif ?>

        return this;
      var bindChange = function(target, event)
         if (event.originalEvent)
         	if (true == bindTrack.enable)
             * Get tax display type
            bindTrack.fieldsObject['eventLabel'] = jQuery('select[name=tax_display]').find('option:selected:first').text();

            if ('ua' == bindTrack.type) 
              if ('undefined' !== typeof ga)
                ga('send', bindTrack.fieldsObject);						
              if ('undefined' !== typeof dataLayer)
                bindTrack.fieldsObject['event'] = 'taxSwitch';

                 * Push event to dataLayer
    <div data-bind="text: switcher().select"></div>
    <input type="hidden" id="current" name="current" data-bind="value: switcher().current" />
    <input type="hidden" name="current_arg" value="<?php echo (int) @$_GET['tax_display'] ?>" />
    <form method="post" action="<?php echo $block->getUrl('taxswitch/index/switch')?>">
      <select id="switchoptions" name="tax_display" class="tax_display_select" data-bind="event: { change: bindChange }, afterRender: bindRender, optionsAfterRender: bindRenderOptions, options: switcher().options, optionsText: 'label', optionsValue: 'value', value: switcher().current"></select>
  <?php else: ?>
   * This will be deprecated in next version
  <li><?php echo __('Show prices') ?></li>
    <form method="post" action="<?php echo $block->getUrl('taxswitch/index/switch')?>">
      <input type="hidden" name="form_key" value="<?php echo $block->getFormKey() ?>" />
      <select name="tax_display" class="tax_display_select" onchange="this.form.submit()">
        <?php foreach($block->getOptions() as $option):?>
          <option value="<?php echo $option['value'] ?>" <?php if ($option['checked']):?>selected<?php endif ?>><?php echo $option['label'] ?></option>
        <?php endforeach?>
<?php endif ?>

    ) {

        var options = {
            type: 'popup',
            responsive: true,
            innerScroll: true,
            modalClass: 'custom-popup-modal',
            buttons: [{
                text: $.mage.__('Close'),
                class: '',
                click: function () {

        $( document ).ready(function() {
    		var popup = modal(options, $('#custom-popup-modal'));

In general, I will be grateful for the help, otherwise something stuck here.

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