FIKSER2017-10-03 10:56:40
open server
FIKSER, 2017-10-03 10:56:40

Why does not open a local site on OpenServer?

The site stopped opening on the local, now when you go to asd.ru, it does not open the local site, it just goes to the site with the same address online.
What could be the reason? (cache cleared)

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4 answer(s)
FIKSER, 2017-10-03

It turns out that this is just a redirect to the asd.ru site.
Now the question is, where can I find a WordPress redirect to the asd.ru site and how could this happen?

Mr Crabbz, 2017-10-03

Run openserver as administrator. Browsers need to be restarted after launch.

Maxim Timofeev, 2017-10-03

To do this, local copies are made with a different name, for example mysite.local, so that the cache in the browser does not overlap, dns does not go crazy, etc.

Anton, 2017-10-03

in the DNS.

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