Valeri Lavrov2019-06-11 04:10:56
Valeri Lavrov, 2019-06-11 04:10:56

Why does MySQL return an empty value?

I am doing registration with duplication of data in the database for the game Multi Theft Auto.
inputs[1] and inputs[2] - login and password (only letters and numbers)
After registration, the user is written to the database. The rest of the default values ​​are set in the database.
If the write to the database is successful, then the script again accesses the database and searches for the player's data by nickname and gets the rest of the data, then spawns the user, gives him money, etc.

local sNewUser = query("SELECT * FROM `userinfo` WHERE `nickname` = '"..tostring(inputs[1]).."'")

This query returns an empty table
local sNewUser = query("SELECT * FROM `userinfo` WHERE `nickname` = 'test'")

If you make such a request, then everything returns.
Some documentation: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DbQuery
Screenshot of the database structure: https://yapx.ru/v/ETIP1
The code itself:
local dbHost = 'localhost'
local dbName = 'test'
local dbUsername = 'root'
local dbPassword = ''

function query(...)
  local queryHandle = dbQuery(dbConnect('mysql','host='..dbHost..';dbname='..dbName, dbUsername, dbPassword), ...)
  if (not queryHandle) then
    return nil
  local rows = dbPoll(queryHandle, -1)
  return rows

local nA = addAccount(inputs[1], inputs[2]) -- добавляем юзера в игру
    local addA = query("INSERT INTO `userinfo` ('serial', 'nickname', 'password', 'team') VALUES ('"..tostring(getPlayerSerial(client)).."', '"..tostring(inputs[1]).."', '"..tostring(inputs[2]).."')") -- добавляем игрока в базу
      if (nA and addA) then -- если удачно добавился
        local sNewUser = query("SELECT * FROM `userinfo` WHERE `nickname` = '"..tostring(inputs[1]).."'") -- ищем игрока в базе по имени							
        if (sNewUser) then
            for _, row in ipairs(sNewUser) do -- перебираем данные из базы
              posX = row['posX'] -- позиция X
              posY = row['posY'] -- позиция Y
              posZ = row['posZ'] -- позиция Z
              usrHealth = row['health'] -- здоровье
              w11 = row['w11'] -- 11 слот оружия
              usrTeam = row['team'] -- команда
              usrSkinID = row['skin'] -- скин
              usrMoney = row['money'] -- деньги
              usrArmor = row['armor'] -- броня
              outputDebugString('posX: '..posX)
              outputDebugString('posY: '..posY)
              outputDebugString('posZ: '..posZ)
              outputDebugString('usrHealth: '..usrHealth)
              outputDebugString('w11: '..w11)
              outputDebugString('usrTeam: '..usrTeam)
              outputDebugString('usrSkinID: '..usrSkinID)
              outputDebugString('usrMoney: '..usrMoney)
              outputDebugString('usrArmor: '..usrArmor)
          logIn(client, nA, inputs[2]) -- логиним юзера
          spawnPlayer(client, posX, posY, posZ, 0, usrSkinID, 0, 0) -- спавн (игрок, позиция x, y, z, положение, скин, интерьер, измерение)
          setPlayerMoney (client, usrMoney) -- выдаем деньги
          setTimer (setElementHealth, 50, 1, client, usrHealth) -- выдаем здоровье
          setTimer (setPedArmor, 50, 1, client, usrArmor) -- выдаем армор
          triggerClientEvent(client, "onClientSuccess", client) -- передаем юзеру, что все ок
          --setPlayerTeam(client, getTeamFromName("User"))
          --setAccountData(nA, "cash", 250000)
          --triggerClientEvent(client, "onClientSuccess", client)
          triggerClientEvent(client, "showErrorMessage", client, "Ошибка")
        triggerClientEvent(client, "showErrorMessage", client, "Ошибка при создании аккаунта.")

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1 answer(s)
dollar, 2019-06-11

print("Login: " .. tostring(inputs[1]))
In general, place print in key places - you will immediately see what is happening.
Also, just in case, try:, otherwise the space at the end is attached or something. print(#tostring(inputs[1]))

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