dmitriev_romka2020-05-11 13:37:22
dmitriev_romka, 2020-05-11 13:37:22

Why does Instagram cheat, write false values ​​when testing a request?

Good day, dear connoisseurs and lovers!

I did not find information about this on the Internet, does anyone know the answers to these questions?

Why are the values ​​showing false?
For example, I checked, I have banned users, but here it says false?

"show_suggested_profiles": false
"show_follow_dialog": false
"blocked_by_viewer": false
"restricted_by_viewer": false
"country_block": false
"followed_by_viewer": false
"follows_viewer": false
"has_ar_effects": false
"has_channel": false
"has_blocked_viewer": false
"requested_by_viewer": false

What does this mean?

How are links different?
"external_url_linkshimmed": https://l.instagram.com/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fvk.com%2Fd...
"external_url": vk.com/dmitriev_romka

Why null? Although I have a business category in my account
"business_category_name": null
"category_id": null
"overall_category_name": null

Why null? My account is connected to facebook
"connected_fb_page": null

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1 answer(s)
Pavel Botsman, 2020-05-11

1. The values ​​in the response may depend on whether you are authorized on Instagram when viewing information on your profile.
"blocked_by_viewer": false - indicates whether you have blocked the currently viewed profile. If you are looking at your own profile, then it should always be false
"has_blocked_viewer": false - means the opposite - are you blocked by the currently viewed profile
2. The so-called "pagination" (pagination)
For example, if you are trying to get a list of user publications, then when requested, Instagram will display only a few posts (for example, 12 posts).
To see the next 12 pieces, you will need to look for `true` in the `has_next_page` field, and pass `end_cursor` on the next request. In this way, Instagram will know how much to "shift" the given result, so that you can see the next 12 publications.
3. In the first case, first a link is opened on the `l.instagram.com` domain, and then a redirect to the link specified in the `u` parameter occurs. In this case, Instagram can track that the user followed the link to an external site.
In the second case, the link will open directly.
4 and 5. Are you logged in to Instagram when you receive this account information? If not, then most likely this is the reason for such a response from instagram.

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