Alexander2015-01-17 00:28:04
Alexander, 2015-01-17 00:28:04

Why does Chrome reset the select tag when changing the icon for a page?

Ladies and gentlemen, I have a rather strange question. I don’t believe it myself, but it happened to collide.
Actually, the situation is this:
1. Chrome browser 39.0.2171.95 m (+ newer versions)
2. There is javascript on the page. Which periodically, on a timer, updates a certain value in localStorage. (besides this, the icon for the site also changes)
3. There is a [select] drop-down list on the page. By clicking on which, we actually get this very drop-down list. And the longer it is, the more noticeable the observed effect. When you try to select a list item that is far from the currently selected one...
4. The difficulty lies in the following strange behavior. On each tick of storage update (and icon change), - some magic is triggered, and regardless of scrolling or hovering the mouse over [option] of this list - the list is reset to the default state.
5. It turns out an unpleasant problem when choosing the list option.
UPD: See answer below.

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1 answer(s)
Alexander, 2015-01-17

As usual, jump to conclusions.
I found the reason. I change the icon for the site at intervals, each time deleting the existing one and adding again, in the head tag, a new link rel="shortcut icon". Because of this, for some reason, problems with the select tag were found. And only in browsers on chromium.
PS. Edited the content of the main question. (I used to sin on localStorage)
PPS. Is there any way to delete a question here?

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