Roman Kokarev2013-12-27 10:01:29
Partnership programs
Roman Kokarev, 2013-12-27 10:01:29

Why do Russian webmasters react negatively to referral links?

Why do Russians , mostly techies and webmasters, get so bombed because you throw them a ref. link, even if the service is really good and useful?

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3 answer(s)
Michael Danilov, 2013-12-29

This is more of a mentality: someone wants to get something for free at the expense of you.
At the dawn of Dropbox, it took a very long time to explain to friends that a referral link would bring pluses in the form of additional megabytes to both parties, but people still stubbornly deleted the referral.

121212121, 2013-12-28

Russian, maybe?
In your version, this is kindling.

Ilya Grom, 2013-12-27

A person who throws his referral links everywhere equates an IT specialist to an ordinary housewife, believing that the id in the link simply will not be noticed/understood. We are furious, because they don’t want to just say to us: “follow this link and I will have extra cents / points / cookies”.

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