sorry_i_noob2018-12-25 09:16:44
sorry_i_noob, 2018-12-25 09:16:44

Why do I need to write npm commands when installing a php project?

I am reading the instructions for installing a project on Laravel: https://github.com/jcc/blog . And it has instructions for doing npm: npm install, npm run...I have a question. As far as I know npm is a package loader for node.js. And node.js is a technology that allows you to use Javascript as a server-side language. But the project is written in php, not Javascript (node.js). Why should I use npm commands?

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2 answer(s)
iBird Rose, 2018-12-25

right there in the first lines it says that this is a blog on laravel + vue.js

Galdar Turin, 2018-12-25

Well, dear friend....
PHP is a server-side language written in C++, so why can't I use the C++ Composer libraries?
Well, I think you understand.
npm libraries for JS
Composer for PHP
And I strongly advise you to use php for "servers".

Well, this is my personal experience and I just advise you to choose, of course!

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