Brendan Castaneda2020-04-14 00:24:40
Visual Studio Code
Brendan Castaneda, 2020-04-14 00:24:40

Why did VSCode stop displaying the color picker?

Why did VSCode stop displaying the HTML style color picker from the color picker when hovering over a box?

Let's say I wrote color: #fff;a white cube appears next to it, and if you hover over it, you can select a different color. Now I hover and nothing is displayed, but there is a cube with a color. What needs to be done to make this feature work?


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4 answer(s)
Brendan Castaneda, 2020-04-14

Solving the problem..
Press F1 and paste setting.json
It was written "editor.hover.enabled": false, - This removes tooltips pop-up.
As it turned out, everything else, this function turned off my color palette.
This is very strange, because before it did not affect her, but only touched on hints.
PS (hints are when you hover over any tag, a window pops up next to it).

gozoro, 2022-02-26

i solved this problem like this:
"editor.hover.delay": 600,

Font_Youtube, 2020-04-14

Write the color, for example, in the form of rgba
, for example

manwithawp, 2022-01-28

I came here for the answer to the same question. These hints are constantly in the way, they had to be turned off, but the palette window was gone, who knows how to return this window but at the same time turn off the hints?

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